Friday, October 29, 2010

It's here!

Much anticipated and long awaited!  Get your own here.


I just love getting mail!  Don't you?

Daytrip to the Mountains

Jason and I drove up to Cumberland Knob and did some hiking and picture taking, and also took a little drive along the Blue Ridge parkway. Here's a sampling of some of the beautiful creation we saw!


Classic Blue Ridge Mountains Pic :)


Mmmm . . .



Beautiful fall color!

 After many failed attempts, I finally achieved the "dreamy waterfall in motion" effect!

More color!

We found the best little place for ice cream on the way back (its a converted bus)  and met the neatest man.  He sells ice cream, does metal working, and sells his own CDs.  He wants to do an exhibit next Easter entitled "Scripture and Steel."   


It was a great day!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Its Coming . . .

So excited!

Family in the Fall

Sweet Summer

Silly Savannah

Serious Seth with his Marvelous Mom
(AKA Amazing Ashley)

Flowers and Shrooms


Check out this shroom!  Can you spot the bug in every picture?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time in Orlando

 Creepy Terradactyl Birds





The Heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His Hands!
Psalm 19:1